197234 0NECtgsvGsStWkWjybNfN9EBWyKAhzk0PhjrwttT
197234 0NECtgsvGsStWkWjybNfN9EBWyKAhzk0PhjrwttT170443 3skGQ6IGOxnoSf1fTlcREYGbKmHv01pU6wEYCYWq193491 SVb3Xg1G0b56yuU0mCvfVVHAiPD0HtbKLv60T7ub1055296 XNbMvuuFz3oKj29SglfmgeD8m4cIAkRHmaOfwoHN613228 8cDggd5ukkfl34TLq31gD48t0nvGeGva0V4vBeia956882 EJYGi2bSUGnCaPJ81hAdIaBScZiBZvrDs47e42nf
Hydrofoils, Parts, Front Wings

Sabfoil 590Y - IKA Youth Foil Class | T6 Hydrofoil Front Wing

€ 355,37

The W590 is fast and stableaccelerates in a very smooth way, it's quick to plane and tracks naturally. For all those riders who love an all-around wing.

With its 650 cm2 of surface area, this wing allows lifting even at low speeds, while the slight reverse design keeps the stability you need at high speeds.

A very easy-to-ride front wing with a good upwind angle and capable of 30+ knots. This wing is so stable and predictable that it is also ideal for beginners.


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